Why Is My Traffic Going Down?

Parts of this post were generated using Microsoft Copilot

As a website owner, witnessing a decline in web traffic can be concerning. You’ve put effort into creating content, optimizing your site, and running ads, yet the numbers are dwindling. What’s going on? The answer lies in the evolving landscape of search engines and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

If you’re like me, you’ve probably noticed some of your searches result in an “AI Overview” when using Google Chrome. Think of this as ChatGPT like functioning/results happening inside your Chrome browser. Over time, these results will diminish the click-thru’s to your site as users embrace AI’s summary of your content (website, videos, blog articles, …).

How can you prepare for this incredible sea change that’s underway?

  1. Helpful Content Matters: Search engines like Google prioritize user experience. They want to deliver valuable content that answers users’ questions. If your content isn’t genuinely helpful, it won’t rank well. The Solution? Focus on creating people-first content. Provide value, answer queries, and address pain points. Google’s algorithms now favor quality over keyword stuffing, and people-first content will more likely be incorporated into the “AI Overview” results that will rule the day going forward.

  2. Let’s Get Specific: Think of your old marketing funnel as a wide funnel that could handle two quarts of 5W-30 at once. Let’s now replace that thinking with multiple, narrow funnels — each capable of handling only 16 oz. We just discussed how AI-generated results will steadily replace website traffic, so let’s focus your efforts on influencing those AI-generated results. Are you an engine oil company (I need to mow the grass btw…)? Get specific and generate content that answers questions like “What is the best way to mix my 2-cycle engine oil with the right amount of gasoline?”

  3. The Press Release: Every 3-5 years, those of us in the comms and PR industry declare “The press release is dead!” Well, I’m here to tell you: “I’m back baby, I’m back!” Press releases are often pointed to as blunt instruments (they are), but they’re incredibly useful in generating hundreds to thousands of postings all over the internet with your content. LLM’s digest this content, AI answers questions based off of the LLM’s, … Will AI unbalance these results? Maybe. Or will they ditch paying the Vox Medias and Atlantics of the world in favor of free?

  4. Earned Media: Let’s finish a thought above — press releases are bazookas in a media landscape that prefers and rewards surgical scalpels. However, one man’s bazooka can be (and definitely is) another man’s scalpel. Work with a PR agency to distill your story into 2-3 laser-focused sentences that are shared to a handful of reporters that truly value this information. The article(s) that stem from these efforts will layer into and reinforce points 1 and 2 above — AND they will set you apart from from those in point 3. I can’t say for certain ChatGPT will weigh Company A doing 1-4 more than Company B doing 1-3, but I’d be happy to take that bet.

In conclusion, AI isn’t the enemy—it’s a game-changer. Adapt, create valuable content, and stay ahead of the curve. Your website traffic will thank you. Remember, the digital landscape evolves, but your commitment to excellence remains constant. 🚀 (okay, this last graph was written by AI…and the first one - kw)


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